We made it in one piece, and it was as I remembered it,
new looking and pretty with stones and cactus decorations everywhere instead of grass. Everything kind of adobe colored.
It is nice to see how different the styles are from California to Arizona.
The was a pool at hi parents house, but it was much to cold to go into, sadly.. but there was a hot-tub TOO. and that was great.
The next day when thanksgiving rolled around lazily, my parents came over to visit and cook, and they brought their big galloping puppy dog, Rosco, to play with all the other animals.
Everybody seemed to get along well, Cats, Dogs, and Parents. Once I was stuffed as full as I could be on marshmallow toppped yams. I also had turkey and pie and stuff..

I do have to say, the plane was much nicer than the car ride, and I didn't envy my fancy-boyfriend-fiance the drive home.
Here we are though, safe and sound. He is headed home from work as I type, and bringing me a meatball sub. It doesn't get much better than that!
I am looking forward to making the Christmas trip down to orange county to see my half of the family! Only 7 hours. After Arizona, it will be a snap. :)