Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thinking about traveling.. reminds me of traveling

Travel planning can be stressful! I've taken on the responsibility of putting this trip together, since it was my idea in the first place. Phileas is along for the ride so to speak. But there are SO MANY OPTIONS! I don't want to miss out on anything!
 But.. remembering back to previous trips, I'm happy to have done all of them. I wouldn't trade even the more harrowing moments for anything.
So, I need to remember to relax when planning this one.. even though I want it to be the best trip ever, stressing isn't really the way to achieve it. Every detail doesn't have to be "right" to make it a great trip. Sometimes it's the things we don't plan for, that turn out the most worthwhile.. :)
 With a deep breath and a break from scouring the internets for everythingtopossiblydoeverwhileonatriptoIreland, I present you with:

  Gulliver's My travels!
The green by the way, is where I want to go.. red I have lived in, and blue I have visited.

A quickie rundown:
Age 6 months - Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic - visiting family
Age 2 -  New York - visiting family
Age 11 - Dominican Republic - visiting family
Age 12 - Washington DC - for history class field trip
Age 13 - Brazil, Peru, and Columbia - to see the world before becoming a horrible teenager.
Age 16 - Canada - for choir competition
Age 17 - Florida - to visit family
Age 18 - New York - to visit Family
Age 19 - New York - funeral
Age 19 - Texas - friends
Age 19 - Alaska - vacation
Age 20 - New Orleans - moved for 7 months
Age 22 - Los Angeles - for work
Age 23 - Florida - Wedding
Age 24 - Florida - for work
Age 26 - Florida - Funeral
Age 26 - Long Beach - change in life
Age 28 - Oakland -change in life
Age 28- New Mexico - family
Age 28 - New york - family
Age 28 - Arizona - family
Age 28 - New York - funeral
Age 29 - *IRELAND*
Looks like I've done a lot more traveling in the last year than I remembered. Not all of it for happy reasons, but all worthwhile.
 I am looking forward to a family reunion with for my Tia's 65th bday in the Dominican republic.

 Well, back to cold pizza and planning!

Jumping for joy to be headed overseas!

When I was about 15 years old, I woke up and decided that I should definitely go to Ireland. I'm not sure why or what sparked it, but all the research I've done since has only solidified the feeling. I like history (and historic romance novels.. shh!), I love green, and nature, and overcast days, and rain.. I hear the people are friendly and down to earth. It sounds like the place for me!
 So, almost 15 years later, here we are with two plane tickets.. We being the boyfriend (Phileas Fogg to my Passepartout), and I.
 Phileas got a work bonus, and decided that we should go with the extra money. 
 So here I am, plotting and planning. Silly Phileas thought a blog would be a fun way to document.

 I have 2 weeks left to plan our 2 week adventure!
So far, we have:
A tour of Guinness
Horseback riding
a stay in a castle
The Giants Causeway
and a whole slew of parks and ruins as we make a circle around the island.
I'm super excited, and here's hoping I don't leave the lamp on when we leave!