But.. remembering back to previous trips, I'm happy to have done all of them. I wouldn't trade even the more harrowing moments for anything.
So, I need to remember to relax when planning this one.. even though I want it to be the best trip ever, stressing isn't really the way to achieve it. Every detail doesn't have to be "right" to make it a great trip. Sometimes it's the things we don't plan for, that turn out the most worthwhile.. :)
With a deep breath and a break from scouring the internets for everythingtopossiblydoeverwhileonatriptoIreland, I present you with:
The green by the way, is where I want to go.. red I have lived in, and blue I have visited.
A quickie rundown:
Age 6 months - Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic - visiting family
Age 2 - New York - visiting family
Age 11 - Dominican Republic - visiting family
Age 12 - Washington DC - for history class field trip
Age 13 - Brazil, Peru, and Columbia - to see the world before becoming a horrible teenager.
Age 16 - Canada - for choir competition
Age 17 - Florida - to visit family
Age 18 - New York - to visit Family
Age 19 - New York - funeral
Age 19 - Texas - friends
Age 19 - Alaska - vacation
Age 20 - New Orleans - moved for 7 months
Age 22 - Los Angeles - for work
Age 23 - Florida - Wedding
Age 24 - Florida - for work
Age 26 - Florida - Funeral
Age 26 - Long Beach - change in life

Age 28- New Mexico - family
Age 28 - New york - family
Age 28 - Arizona - family
Age 28 - New York - funeral
Age 29 - *IRELAND*
Looks like I've done a lot more traveling in the last year than I remembered. Not all of it for happy reasons, but all worthwhile.
I am looking forward to a family reunion with for my Tia's 65th bday in the Dominican republic.

Well, back to cold pizza and planning!